Frequently Asked Questions

Our worship is a reverent blending of Psalms, older hymns and contemporary hymns and praise songs. We intentionally seek to be broad in our makeup out of a conviction that the Church has been blessed with worthy worship music throughout the ages and it is unhealthy to gravitate to an exclusive approach that neglects the rich vastness afforded us.

Clapping, lifting up hands, and other physical expressions are encouraged when appropriate to the tone and content of the respective song. For example, clapping to a song like "Amazing Grace" would probably not make much sense. You will find varied responses from people during worship. We don't seek to conjure up emotions, nor do we discourage genuine heart-felt physical expressions during worship.

Elders are available after every worship service to pray for whatever needs may concern the person seeking prayer.

We begin at 10:30am and usually ends at about noon.

Our typical order of worship consists of: Greetings and announcements, Call to worship and congregational prayer, Three consecutive worship songs selected or approved by the pastor for their rich theological content, Responsive reading of Scripture, A.C.T.S Prayer (Adoration,Confession,Thanfulness and Supplication to God), Song of Preparation, Reading of the Scripture, Sermon, Song of Response, Benediction (parting blessing), Singing of Doxology

We usually partake of communion on the 1st Lord's Day of the month.

The Lord's Supper is given by Jesus Himself to all who trust in Him for the forgiveness of sins and participates in the New Covenant that his body and blood symbolize. In order to protect the integrity of the Body of Christ (Church), only those who are actual members of the physical Church should participate in Communion. There are certain circumstances where one may be visiting our Church while traveling, or attend our Church for a prolonged period seeking whether it is God's will that they join our Church, or someone may come to faith in Christ during the actual worship serviceā€¦in all such circumstances, the Lord's Table is open to them. In the case of conversion, we would follow-up with such an individual and encourage them to make public their faith through baptism and become part of the local family of believers. In the case of prolonged attendance from a non-member, we would eventually encourage them to publicly make known their intent to join the local Church and thus show themselves to belong to the Body of Christ which Communion partly symbolizes.

Anyone that is a professing believer in Christ. This would include children as well, so long as they profess faith in Christ in a manner that appropriately reflects their age.

The preferred mode of baptism is by full Immersion into the water in the name of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Under special circumstances, we will baptize with sprinkling or pouring as an acceptable mode.

Our Church has a very balanced age group that worships together and what a joy it is. While many Churches today try to minister exclusively to one age group over another, we have been blessed to have believers of a vast age group worship together.r

Our Church seeks to be thoroughly Christ-centered and Biblically grounded in all things. We do however share some distinctions that make us slightly differeant and unique from other Churches in the community. Please visit the "About Us" link to read our statement of faith. Though we have certain distinctions, we don't seek to be sectarian and divisive about what makes us different than other Churches. We adopt the age old slogan of St. Augustine, who said: "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity".