Catechism for Boys and Girls
Part 1 – Questions about God, Man and Sin
1. Q. Who made you?
A. God made me (Gn 1:26, 27; 2:7; Ec 12:1; Acts 17:24-29).
2. Q. What else did God make?
A. God made all things (Gn 1, esp. verses 1, 31; Acts 14:15; Rm 11:36; Col 1:16).
3. Q. Why did God make you and all things?
A. For his own glory (Ps 19:1; Jer 9:23, 24; Rv 4:11).
4. Q. How can you glorify God?
A. By loving him and doing what he commands (Ec 12:13; Mk 12:29-31; In 15:8-10; 1 Cor 10:31).
5. Q. Why ought you to glorify God?
A. Because he made me and takes care of me (Rm 11:36; Rv 4:11; cf. Dan 4:37).
6. Q. Are there more gods than one?
A. There is only one God (Deut 6:4; Jer 10:10; Mk 12:29; Acts 17:22-31).
7. Q. In how many persons does this one God exist?
A. In three persons (Mt 3:16, 17; In 5:23; 10:30; 14:9, 10; 15:26; 16:13-15; 1 In 5:20; Rv 1:4, 5).
8. Q. Who are the persons of the Trinity?
A. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14; 1 Pet 1:2; Jude 20, 21).
9. Q. Who is God?
A. God is a Spirit, and does not have a body like men (In 4:24; 2 Cor 3:17; 1 Tim 1:17).
10. Q. Where is God?
A. God is everywhere (Ps 139:7-12; Jer 23:23,24; Acts 17:27,28).
11. Q. Can you see God?
A. No. I cannot see God, but he always sees me (Ex 33:20; In 1:18; 1 Tim 6:16; Ps 139 esp. vv. 1-5: Pr 5:21; Hb 4:12, 13).
12. Q. Does God know all things?
A. Yes. Nothing can be hidden from God (1 Chron 28:9; 2 Chron 16:9; Lk 12:6, 7; Rm 2:16).
13. Q. Can God do all things?
A. Yes. God can do all his holy will (Ps 147:5; Jer 32:17; Dan 4:34, 35; Eph 1:11).
14. Q. Where do you learn how to love and obey God?
A. In the Bible alone (Job 11:7; Ps 119:104; Is 8:20; Mt 22:29; 2 Tim 3:15-17).
15. Q. Who wrote the Bible?
A. Holy men who were taught by the Holy Spirit (1 Pet 1:20, 21; Acts 1:16; 2 Tim 3:16; 1 Pet 1:10, 11).
16. Q. Who were our first parents?
A. Adam and Eve (Gn 2:18-25; 3:20; 5:1, 2; Acts 17:26; 1 Tim 2:13).
17. Q. Of what were our first parents made?
A. God made the body of Adam out of the ground, and formed Eve from the body of Adam (Gn 2:7; 21-23; 3:19; Ps 103:14).
18. Q. What did God give Adam and Eve besides bodies?
A. He gave them souls that could never die (1 Cor 15:45: Eccl 12:7; Zech 12:1).
19. Q. Have you a soul as well as a body?
A. Yes. I have a soul that can never die (Mt 10:28; Mk 8:34- 38; 12:30).
20. Q. How do you know that you have a soul?
A. Because the Bible tells me so (Mt 10:28; Mk 8:34-38; 12:30).
21. Q. What is your soul?
A. My soul Includes all of me that should know and love God (Mk 8:34-38; Ep 3:16-19).
22. Q. In what condition did God make Adam and Eve?
A. He made them holy and happy (Gn 1:26-28; Ps 8:4-8).
23. Q. Did Adam and Eve stay holy and happy?
A. No. They sinned against God (Gn 3:1-7; Eccl 7:29; Hos 6:7 where “men” = Adam).
24. Q. What was the sin of our first parents?
A. Eating the forbidden fruit (Gn 2:16, 17; 3:6).
25. Q. Why did they eat the forbidden fruit?
A. Because they did not believe what God had said (Gn 3:1-6; cf. Hb 11:6).
26. Q. Who tempted them to this sin?
A. The devil tempted Eve, and she gave the fruit to Adam (Gn 3:1-13; 2 Cor 11:3; 1 Tim 2:13, 14; cf. Rv 12:9).
27. Q. What happened to our first parents when they had sinned?
A. Instead of being holy and happy, they became sinful and miserable (Gn 3:14-24; 4:1-24; Jm 1:14, 15).
28. Q. What effect did the sin of Adam have on all mankind?
A. All mankind is born in a state of sin and misery (Ps. 5 1:5; Rm 5:12, 18, 19; 1 Cor 15:21, 22; 1 In 5:19).
29. Q. What do we inherit from Adam as a result of this original sin?
A. A sinful nature (1 Kings 8:46; Ps 14:2, 3; 58:3; Eccl 9:3; Mt 15:18-20; In 2:24, 25; Rm 8:7).
30. Q. What is sin?
A. Sin is any transgression of the law of God (1 In 3:4; Rm 3:20; lames 2:9-11).
31. Q. What is meant by transgression?
A. Doing what God forbids (1 Sam 13:8-14; 15:22, 23; Hos 6:7; Rm 1:21-32).
32. Q. What does every sin deserve?
A. The anger and judgment of God (Deut 27:26; Rm 1:18; 2:2; Gal 3:10; Eph 5:6).
33. Q. Do we know what God requires of us?
A. Yes, he has given us his law both in our hearts and in writing (Rm 2:14-15).
A. God made me (Gn 1:26, 27; 2:7; Ec 12:1; Acts 17:24-29).
2. Q. What else did God make?
A. God made all things (Gn 1, esp. verses 1, 31; Acts 14:15; Rm 11:36; Col 1:16).
3. Q. Why did God make you and all things?
A. For his own glory (Ps 19:1; Jer 9:23, 24; Rv 4:11).
4. Q. How can you glorify God?
A. By loving him and doing what he commands (Ec 12:13; Mk 12:29-31; In 15:8-10; 1 Cor 10:31).
5. Q. Why ought you to glorify God?
A. Because he made me and takes care of me (Rm 11:36; Rv 4:11; cf. Dan 4:37).
6. Q. Are there more gods than one?
A. There is only one God (Deut 6:4; Jer 10:10; Mk 12:29; Acts 17:22-31).
7. Q. In how many persons does this one God exist?
A. In three persons (Mt 3:16, 17; In 5:23; 10:30; 14:9, 10; 15:26; 16:13-15; 1 In 5:20; Rv 1:4, 5).
8. Q. Who are the persons of the Trinity?
A. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14; 1 Pet 1:2; Jude 20, 21).
9. Q. Who is God?
A. God is a Spirit, and does not have a body like men (In 4:24; 2 Cor 3:17; 1 Tim 1:17).
10. Q. Where is God?
A. God is everywhere (Ps 139:7-12; Jer 23:23,24; Acts 17:27,28).
11. Q. Can you see God?
A. No. I cannot see God, but he always sees me (Ex 33:20; In 1:18; 1 Tim 6:16; Ps 139 esp. vv. 1-5: Pr 5:21; Hb 4:12, 13).
12. Q. Does God know all things?
A. Yes. Nothing can be hidden from God (1 Chron 28:9; 2 Chron 16:9; Lk 12:6, 7; Rm 2:16).
13. Q. Can God do all things?
A. Yes. God can do all his holy will (Ps 147:5; Jer 32:17; Dan 4:34, 35; Eph 1:11).
14. Q. Where do you learn how to love and obey God?
A. In the Bible alone (Job 11:7; Ps 119:104; Is 8:20; Mt 22:29; 2 Tim 3:15-17).
15. Q. Who wrote the Bible?
A. Holy men who were taught by the Holy Spirit (1 Pet 1:20, 21; Acts 1:16; 2 Tim 3:16; 1 Pet 1:10, 11).
16. Q. Who were our first parents?
A. Adam and Eve (Gn 2:18-25; 3:20; 5:1, 2; Acts 17:26; 1 Tim 2:13).
17. Q. Of what were our first parents made?
A. God made the body of Adam out of the ground, and formed Eve from the body of Adam (Gn 2:7; 21-23; 3:19; Ps 103:14).
18. Q. What did God give Adam and Eve besides bodies?
A. He gave them souls that could never die (1 Cor 15:45: Eccl 12:7; Zech 12:1).
19. Q. Have you a soul as well as a body?
A. Yes. I have a soul that can never die (Mt 10:28; Mk 8:34- 38; 12:30).
20. Q. How do you know that you have a soul?
A. Because the Bible tells me so (Mt 10:28; Mk 8:34-38; 12:30).
21. Q. What is your soul?
A. My soul Includes all of me that should know and love God (Mk 8:34-38; Ep 3:16-19).
22. Q. In what condition did God make Adam and Eve?
A. He made them holy and happy (Gn 1:26-28; Ps 8:4-8).
23. Q. Did Adam and Eve stay holy and happy?
A. No. They sinned against God (Gn 3:1-7; Eccl 7:29; Hos 6:7 where “men” = Adam).
24. Q. What was the sin of our first parents?
A. Eating the forbidden fruit (Gn 2:16, 17; 3:6).
25. Q. Why did they eat the forbidden fruit?
A. Because they did not believe what God had said (Gn 3:1-6; cf. Hb 11:6).
26. Q. Who tempted them to this sin?
A. The devil tempted Eve, and she gave the fruit to Adam (Gn 3:1-13; 2 Cor 11:3; 1 Tim 2:13, 14; cf. Rv 12:9).
27. Q. What happened to our first parents when they had sinned?
A. Instead of being holy and happy, they became sinful and miserable (Gn 3:14-24; 4:1-24; Jm 1:14, 15).
28. Q. What effect did the sin of Adam have on all mankind?
A. All mankind is born in a state of sin and misery (Ps. 5 1:5; Rm 5:12, 18, 19; 1 Cor 15:21, 22; 1 In 5:19).
29. Q. What do we inherit from Adam as a result of this original sin?
A. A sinful nature (1 Kings 8:46; Ps 14:2, 3; 58:3; Eccl 9:3; Mt 15:18-20; In 2:24, 25; Rm 8:7).
30. Q. What is sin?
A. Sin is any transgression of the law of God (1 In 3:4; Rm 3:20; lames 2:9-11).
31. Q. What is meant by transgression?
A. Doing what God forbids (1 Sam 13:8-14; 15:22, 23; Hos 6:7; Rm 1:21-32).
32. Q. What does every sin deserve?
A. The anger and judgment of God (Deut 27:26; Rm 1:18; 2:2; Gal 3:10; Eph 5:6).
33. Q. Do we know what God requires of us?
A. Yes, he has given us his law both in our hearts and in writing (Rm 2:14-15).